SIMPLE LARGE design do not require you to measure your handbag. They are made to fit all size handbags - "one size fits all".

LUXURY and CLASSIC design require you to measure the width and height of your handbag.  No need to measure the depth because our dust covers are generous in depth to accomodate your handbag.

Once you purchase a small, medium and large you will never have to measure again! You can use these sizes to determine future purchases.



  • LARGE:  25w (top) 18w (bottom) x 16h x 7d (fits large to extra large handbags/totes)
  • MEDIUM:  21w (top) 15w (bottom) x 14h x 6d (fits medium to large handbags)
  • SMALL:  17w (top) 12w (bottom) x 12h x 5d (fits small handbags, large clutches, crossbody)



  • LARGE:  24w X 20h (fits large to extra large handbags/totes)
  • MEDIUM:  20w x 18h (fits medium to large handbags)
  • SMALL:  16w x 14h (fits small handbags, large clutches, crossbody)
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